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Surname Name Session Lecture title (preliminary) City Country   Confirmation 
David Ali Green session How to reduce the carbon footprint of EBRT? Versailles FR Yes
Ane Appelt Clinical RT Bringing reirradiation into the 21st century Leeds GB Yes
Anais Barateau New image modalities for Radiotherapy Synthetic CT Rennes FR Yes
Yves Barbotteau Welcome nation course New IQ metrics in CT Clairval FR Yes
Philippe Boissard Surface Guided Radiation Therapy (SGRT): A new standard? SGRT: Workflow and technical aspects Lyon FR Yes
Hilde Bosmans Clinical medical imaging Mammography Leuven BE Yes
Non-ionising radiation / What is new in brachytherapy
Recent advances in ultrasound-mediated drug delivery:
Insights from preclinical and clinical trials
Tours FR Yes
Simon Bouffler Joint session ICRP-EFOMP ICRP ongoing activities on individualisation and stratification Oxford GB Yes
Brenda Byrne Radioprotection Introduction to the updated Malaga Declaration Dublin IE Yes
Tobias Chemnitz From fast neutrons to BNCT From fast neutron therapy to BNCT Munich DE Yes
Marta Cremonesi Clinical medical imaging Dose limits for molecular RT Milan IT Yes
Mats Danielsson Clinical medical imaging Photon counting CT Stockholm SE Yes
Julien Darreon Surface Guided Radiation Therapy (SGRT): A new standard? Examples of clinical applications: Breast, SRS, Thorax Marseille FR Yes
Principles of advanced detection and application of radionuclides/
radiopharmaceuticals in theragnostics.
Principles of advanced detection and application of radionuclides/
radiopharmaceuticals in theragnostics.
Rouen FR Yes
Patricia Diez Accreditation for special radiotherapy techniques: Need for harmonization? National credentialing program for the implementation of SBRT: Ensuring safety and consistency Northwood GB Yes
Danielle Dobbe-Kalkman Scientific newcomer presentations Presenting scientific work – Tips, tricks & feedback Nijmegen NL Yes
Morgane Dos Santos New horizons in radiobiology New horizons in radiobiology Paris FR Yes
Matthias Eiber Intersecs in medical physics Radiotheranostics in oncology: Current challenges and emerging
opportunities (EANM)
Munich DE Yes
Issam El Naqa 1. Quantum computing in medical physics
2. Presidential symposium
1. Quantum machine learning for medical physics
2. Ionizing radiation induced acoustics
Tampa, FL US Yes
Flemming Littrup Andersen Intersecs in medical physics Deep Inspiration Breath Hold PET/CT scanning for radiotherapy staging using the long axial field-of-view PET/CT
(The Siemens Quadra)
Copenhagen DK Yes
David Gensanne New image modalities for Radiotherapy Quantitative MRI Rouen FR Yes
Eduard Gershkevitsh Clinical RT Dosimetry, QA, PSQA Tallinn EE Yes
Paddy Gilligan Green session New regulations in relation to polyfluoralkyls    Dublin IE Yes
From the fundamentals of spatially fractionated radiotherapy to
guidelines and advice for implementing it (GRID and Lattice) at clinics   
From the fundamentals of spatially fractionated radiotherapy to guidelines and
advice for implementing it (GRID and Lattice) at clinics    
Rochester, MN US Yes
Joël Greffier Welcome nation course Photon counting CT Nîmes FR Yes
Erik Gührs Green session Implementation of sustainability criteria in the tendering process for large medical devices Berlin DE Yes
Sara Hackett Clinical RT Adaptive RT Utrecht NL Yes
Sébastien Hapdey New image modalities for Radiotherapy PET during radiotherapy Rouen FR Yes
Andrew Harrison Presidential symposium Laser-driven radiation therapy: Recent innovations and future directions Dolní Břežany CZ Yes
Ben Heijmen Clinical RT Treatment planning, modeling and automation Rotterdam NL Yes
Lone Hoffmann Accreditation for special radiotherapy techniques: Need for harmonization? STOPSTORM efforts on harmonization, benchmarks and audits Aarhus DK Yes
Peter Hommelhoff Presidential symposium Accelerator-on-a chip Erlangen DE Yes
Leo Hovestadt Software as a medical device – Panel discussion State of play in Europe of digital health regulations Nijmegen NL Yes
Robert Jeraj Synergies in medical physics (RT, imaging, Nir..) Evolution of the ICRU concept from volumes to maps Madison, WI US Yes
Antonio Jreije EFOMP Initiatives Europe Map of Medical Physicists Vilnius LT Yes
Marc Kachelrieß Artificial intelligence in medical physics / Basics of AI AI in CT imaging: Getting ready and tips for researchers / Basics of AI Heidelberg DE Yes
Andre Karius Brachytherapy: State of the art Brachytherapy: State of the art Erlangen DE Yes
Joel Karp Long axial field of view PET – A quantum leap in molecular imaging Evolution and revolution of long axial field of view PET Philadelpha, PA US Yes
Mika Kortesniemi 1. Joint session ICRP-EFOMP
2. Meet the Experts
1. Optimisation in medicine: Where we are and where we should go
2. Medical imaging in radiology
Helsinki FI Yes
Efi Koutsouveli 1. Meet the Experts
2. EFOMP initiatives
1. Laser & nonionizing radiation
2. EFOMP sustainability roadmap
Marousi GR Yes
Sandrine Lacombe Nanoparticles in diagnostics and therapy Nanoparticles in diagnostics and therapy Paris FR Yes
Thomas Lacornerie Clinical RT Issues of SRT/SBRT prescriptions based on coverage isodose Lille FR Yes
Mark E. Ladd MRI principles and quality characteristics MRI principles and quality characteristics Heidelberg DE Yes
Itembu Lannes 1. EFOMP Initiatives
2. European initiatives session
1. MPE recognition across Europe – What does it mean for the young medical physicists of today?
2. MPE recognition across Europe
Stockholm SE Yes
Migle Laukyte Artificial intelligence in medical physics Ethical implications of artificial intelligence in Medical Physics Barcelona ES Yes
Sigrid Leide Svegborn    Exposures  during pregnancy and breastfeeding Exposures during pregnancy and breastfeeding Lund SE Yes
Antonio López Medina EFOMP Initiatives EFOMP mentorship programme Vigo ES Yes
Jeanette Miriam    Lorenz Quantum computing in medical physics Quantum-enhanced AI in medical imaging and medical decision support Munich DE Yes
Luc Simon Surface Guided Radiation Therapy (SGRT): A new standard? Introduction to SGRT: An overview Toulouse FR Yes
Manuel Bardiès Software as a medical device – Panel discussion Nuclear medicine dosimetry software for clinical research and routine applications Montpellier FR Yes
Patient exposure from radiologic and nuclear medicine procedures in
the United States and worldwide?
Baltimore, MD US Yes
Lorenzo Mazzoni 1. Joint session ICRP-EFOMP 1. Three years of official EFOMP-ICRP Pistoia IT Yes
    2. Radioprotection 2. Why should the MPE to also act as the RPE in the hospital      
Amy McDowell Safety in MRI Quality assessment and reliability London GB Yes
Dimitris Mihailidis Joint working groups A great idea to improve clinical practice? A practical guide on how to propose
and organise joint working groups/joint task groups and SIGs
Philadelphia, PA    US Yes
Pawel Moskal Clinical medical imaging New instrumentation  and detector design in molecular imaging Kraków PL Yes
Geraldine O'Reilly Exposures  during pregnancy and breastfeeding Exposures during pregnancy and breastfeeding Dublin IE Yes
Hugo Palmans Joint IAEA-EFOMP session Need for future COPs in external beam radiotherapy including ultra-high dose
rate and spatially fractionated beams
Teddington GB Yes
Franz Pfeiffer Welcome speeches/welcome talk and welcome reception New innovation in X-ray imaging – Still possible 130 years after its discovery Munich DE Yes
Lorenzo Placidi Intersecs in medical physics Magnetic resonance in radiotherapy Rome IT Yes
Irene Polycarpou Meet the Experts Nuclear medicine Nicosia CY Yes
Ivo Rausch Clinical medical imaging Current status of image quantification Vienna AT Yes
Veronica Rossetti Education, training and registration of medical physics experts
in Europe: Now and in the future
New e-learning platform Turin IT Yes
Francesco Santini Safety in MRI The role of the medical physicist in MR safety Basel CH Yes
Wolfgang Sauerwein From fast neutrons to BNCT From fast neutron therapy to BNCT Duisburg DE Yes
Joao Seco Innovative RT and imaging Radiobiology of FLASH effect Heidelberg DE Yes
Ioannis Seimenis Safety in MRI Panel discussion introduction Athens GR Yes
Kunagyu Shi Long axial field of view PET – A quantum leap in molecular imaging AI Applications along with LAFOV PET Bern CH Outstanding
Georgi Simeonov European initiatives session Council directive 2013/59/Euratom: Current status and future plans Luxembourg LU Yes
Ronald Sroka Non-ionising radiation:  Molecular imaging Fluorescence guided surgery and interstitial photodynamic therapy for
treatment of Glioblastoma
Munich DE Yes
Jamema Swamidas Joint IAEA-EFOMP session The IAEA new codes of practice for external beam radiotherapy(TRS-398 Rev. 1)
and brachytherapy (TRS-492) / Ensuring quality in radiotherapy and
brachytherapy through dosimetry audits: The IAEA experience
Vienna AT Yes
Daniela Thorwarth Clinical RT Imaging in RT Tübingen DE Yes
Manuel Todorovic Accreditation for special radiotherapy techniques: Need for harmonization? tba Hamburg DE Yes
Annalisa Trianni Clinical medical imaging Interventional radiology Trento IT Yes
Vicky Trier Taasti Innovative RT and imaging Advanced CT imaging for radiotherapy Aarhus DK Yes
Slavisa Tubin Innovative RT and imaging Pathy RT Vienna AT Yes
Kicky van Leeuwen Artificial intelligence in medical physics Implementing AI solutions in daily healthcare Utrecht NL Yes
Filip Vanhavere Radioprotection Online-dosimetry of the personnel in interventional radiology Mol BE Yes
Dimitris Visvikis Education, training and registration of medical physics experts
in Europe: Now and in the future
Core curriculum for medical physics experts in nuclear medicine Brest FR Yes
Nils Wegner Early career closing session: Initiatives for the future DGMP goes Green Stuttgart DE Yes
Wilhelm Wimmer Non-ionising radiation: Audiology Advanced cochlear implant telemetry – From research to clinics Munich DE Yes
Jasmin Winter Initiatives for the future & closing of the “young physics” department Wolfgang-Schlegel-grant & recap Esslingen DE Yes
Christina Zacharatou Software as a medical device – Panel discussion MDR regulatory overview and software as a medical device Dublin IE Yes
Mariken Zijlmans Radioprotection A holistic management of physical agents in hospitals, to ensure safety and quality of care 's-Hertogenbosch NL Yes