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Bridging the future: 5th European Congress of Medical Physics

Novel radiobiological and therapeutic concepts, artificial intelligence, new medical imaging techniques - many important discoveries and developments are being made in Medical Physics. From the 11th to the 14th of September 2024, the international community of Medical Physics will gather in Munich for the 5th European Congress of Medical Physics (ECMP). For the first time, the ECMP will be organised jointly with the Trination Congress of the German (DGMP), Austrian (ÖGMP) and Swiss (SGSMP) Societies for Medical Physics.

Media representatives are cordially invited to report on the topic!
If you have any questions or would like to arrange interview partners, please get in touch with the press contact!
For accreditation please use the form on this page!

Link to the press kit

Katrin Franz
Press and Public Relations

Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1 • 07745 Jena/Germany
Phone +49 (0)3641 31 16 281
E-Mail katrin.franz@conventus.de

Please note - Invitation to the press conference

Many important discoveries and developments are being made in medical physics that will radically change clinical practice in the coming years. These include advances in X-ray imaging and the further development of beam delivery at ultra-high dose rates and even investigating laser technologies as new sources for generating ionising radiation to treat tumours.

Date: Friday, 13.09.2024
Time: 9 – 10 a.m.

Please send a brief confirmation of your participation to the press office of the conference organisation.
We will then be happy to send you the dial-in details!

Invitation to the press conference (EN)
PDF 244 KB
Einladung zum Pressegespräch (DE)
PDF 244 KB

Press Accreditation