To register for the scientific tours, follow the link to registration.
Lab-Tours at the Centre for Advanced Laser Applications (CALA) and Laboratory for Extreme Photonics (LEX)
Wednesday 11.9.2024 and Saturday 14.9.2024
The Centre for Advanced Laser Applications (CALA) and Laboratory for Extreme Photonics (LEX) are home to world-class laser systems developed and operated by researchers of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich). They are the basis for developing novel technologies for particle acceleration and the generation of bright radiation for applications in radiation biology, chemistry and fundamental research. During the ~45 minute tour of CALA you will see the ATLAS3000, one of world’s most powerful Petawatt Chirped Pulse Amplification laser system as well as the connected infrastructure where laser light is converted into bright radiation and secondary particle sources [1,2,3]. During the ~45 minute tour at the Laboratory for Extreme Photonics (LEX photonics) you will be introduced to our latest developments of laser-based ultra-short pulsed infrared spectrometers [4], and their application for disease detection from blood plasma within the Broadband Infrared Diagnostics project.
[1] T. Ostermayr et al., Nature Communications 11 6174 (2020)
[2] K. v. Grafenstein et al., Scientific Reports 13 11680 (2023)
[3] J. Götzfried et al., Physical Review X, 10 041015 (2020)
[4] I. Pupeza et al., Nature 577, 7788 (2020)
Meeting point: CALA: Am Coulombwall 1; LEX: Am Coulombwall 1a:
Tours on 11.9.2024:
CALA: 14:30 -15:30 | 15:30 - 16:30
(each time slot with 4 parallel groups of 5 people each)
LEX: 14:30-15:30 | 15:30-16:30 | 16:30-17:30
(each time slot with 2 parallel groups of 5 people each)
Tours on 14:9.2024:
CALA: 14:30 – 15:30
(2 parallel groups of 10 people each)
LEX: 15:30 – 16:30
(2 parallel groups of 10 people each)
The Munich Compact Light Source - A brilliant compact synchrotron X-ray source
Wednesday 11.09.2024 and Saturday 14.09.2024
Inverse Compton scattering X-ray sources allow to generate low-divergence, high-flux, energy-tunable X-ray beams with a narrow energy bandwidth as previously only available at large-scale synchrotron facilities, yet with a machine footprint compatible with standard research laboratory settings. The Munich Compact Light Source (MuCLS) is such a laboratory-scale synchrotron facility at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), which consists of a commercial inverse Compton X-ray source (Lyncean Technologies Inc., formerly of Fremont, USA) and a beamline with two endstations designed and constructed by TUM scientists [1,2].
The research at MuCLS is focused on, but not limited to, biomedical applications, which utilize the – for a laboratory source – unique properties of the X-ray beam [1,2]: K-edge imaging, absorption spectroscopy, radiation therapy studies, high-resolution micro-CT, dynamical imaging, as well as phase-contrast and dark-field imaging.
Participants of the tour will be able to visit the X-ray source of the Munich Compact Light Source (see Figure 1) and be able to engage in discussions about the details of the aforementioned applications according to individual interest. Due to on-going construction work, access to the X-ray setups (the beamline) will be limited.
[1] E. Eggl et al., J. Sync. Rad. 23, 1137 (2016)
[2] B. Günther et al., J. Sync. Rad. 27, 1395 (2020)
Meeting point: Main entrance (middle of building) of Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Boltzmannstr. 11.
Time slots on Wednesday 11.09.2024:
08:30-09:15 | 09:15-09:45 | 09:45-10:30 | 10:30-11:15 | 11:15-12:00
13:00-13:45 | 13:45-14:30 | 14:30-15:15 | 15:15-16:00 | 16:00-16:45
Time slots on Saturday 14.09.2024:
14:30-15:15 | 15:15-16:00 | 16:00-16:45 | 16:45-17:00 | 17:00-17:45
Available places: 8-10 people per time slot
Neutrons for Medicine: exploring the research neutron source FRM II
Wednesday, 11.09.2024
The Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) is a renowned research facility and enjoys an excellent reputation worldwide. It serves as a service facility for the scientific community to conduct experiments with neutron beams on current issues in the fields of solid-state physics, chemistry, material sciences and medicine on about 30 different scientific instruments. During the ~90-minute tour, you will have a glance at the reactor pool from the visitor’s window, learn about how neutrons are generated inside the fuel element and what scientific questions can be investigated using neutrons. In addition, you will get an impression on how medical isotopes are being produced at FRM II and how solid tumors can be treated through external beam therapy using fast neutrons.
Meeting point: Entrance of FRM II; Lichtenbergstrasse 1
Starting times: 09:45 – 12:00 | 12:45 – 15:00 | 15:15 – 17:30
Available places: 90 participants (30 per time slot)
Pre-registration until 31.07.2024 is mandatory to enable entrance at the FRM II. EU citizens can use their national ID card for accessing FRM II. However, for Non-EU citizens, the passport is mandatory. Being a nuclear facility, FRM II visitors have to comply with the following rules for entry:
Minimum age: 18 years No access for pregnant and/or nursing women Long pants (legs need to be covered) and closed-toe shoes required (no sandals, etc.) No cameras and/or mobile phones are allowed inside the facility (lockers are available)